Getting Started with PyMODM


MongoDB has paused the development of PyMODM. If there are any users who want to take over and maintain this project, or if you just have questions, please respond to this forum post.

This document provides a gentle introduction to pymodm and goes over everything you’ll need to write your first application.


You can install pymodm with pip:

pip install pymodm

Of course, you’ll probably want to have a copy of MongoDB itself running, so you can test your app. You can download it for free from

Connecting to MongoDB

Now that we have all the components, let’s connect them together. In pymodm, you connect to MongoDB by calling the connect() function:

from pymodm.connection import connect

# Connect to MongoDB and call the connection "my-app".
connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/myDatabase", alias="my-app")

Let’s go through what we just did above. First, we imported the connect() method from the connection module. Then, we established a connection using a MongoDB connection string. A MongoDB connection string always starts with mongodb:// and can include a multitude of connection options. It’s important to note that the connection string provided to connect must include a database name (“myDatabase” above). This is the database where all data will reside within your PyMODM application by default.

Another thing we did when we called connect is that we provided an alias for the connection (“my-app”). Although providing an alias is optional, doing so may come in handy later, if we ever need to refer to the connection by name. This is useful if we want to have models that use different connection options, or if we ever want to switch what connection a model is using.

Defining Models

Now that we have at least one connection to MongoDB open, we’re ready to define our model classes. MongoModel is the base class for all top-level models, which represent the data we have stored in MongoDB in a convenient object-oriented way.

Basic Models

Typically, the definition of a MongoModel class will include one or more fields and optionally some metadata, encapsulated in an inner class called Meta. Take this example:

from pymongo.write_concern import WriteConcern

from pymodm import MongoModel, fields

class User(MongoModel):
    email = fields.EmailField(primary_key=True)
    first_name = fields.CharField()
    last_name = fields.CharField()

    class Meta:
        write_concern = WriteConcern(j=True)
        connection_alias = 'my-app'

Our model, User, represents documents in the myDatabase.user collection in MongoDB. A few things to notice here:

  • Our User model extends MongoModel. This means that it will get its own collection in the database. Any class that inherits directly from MongoModel always gets its own collection.
  • We gave User three fields: first_name, last_name, and email. CharField and EmailField always store their values as unicode strings. The email field will also validate its contents as an email address.
  • In the Meta class, we defined a couple pieces of metadata. First, we defined the write_concern attribute, which tells the Model what write concern to use by default. We also set the connection_alias, which tells the model what connection to use. In this case, we’re using the connection that we defined earlier, which we gave the name of my-app. Note that we have to call connect() with the my-app alias before using this model, since it relies on the my-app connection.
  • We set primary_key=True in the email field. This means that this field will be used as the id for documents of this MongoModel class. Note that this field will actually be called _id in the database.

See also

The fields module.

See also

The list of available metadata attributes.

Models that Reference Other Models

Sometimes, our models will need to reference other models. In MongoDB, there are a couple approaches to this:

  1. We can store the _id of the document we want to reference. When we later need the actual document, we can look it up based on this id. If we need to reference multiple documents, we can store these ids in a list.
  2. If we don’t need to query the referenced documents outside of our reference structure, we might just embed such documents directly inside the documents that reference them. Similarly, if we have multiple documents we need to reference, we can just have a list of these embedded documents.

Let’s take a look at a couple examples of some models that reference the User model we wrote earlier:

from pymodm import EmbeddedMongoModel, MongoModel, fields

class Comment(EmbeddedMongoModel):
    author = fields.ReferenceField(User)
    content = fields.CharField()

class Post(MongoModel):
    title = fields.CharField()
    author = fields.ReferenceField(User)
    revised_on = fields.DateTimeField()
    content = fields.CharField()
    comments = fields.EmbeddedModelListField(Comment)

Here we’ve defined two additional model types: Comment and Post. These two models demonstrate the two approaches discussed earlier: both Comment and Post have an author, which is a User model. The User that represents the author in each case is stored among all the other Users in the myDatabase.user collection. In Comment and Post models, we’re just storing the _id of the User in the author field. This is actually the same as the User’s email field, since we set primary_key=True for that field earlier.

Post gets a little more interesting. In order to support commenting on a Post, what we’ve done is added a comments field, which is an EmbeddedModelListField. This represents the second approach we discussed, where Comment objects are embedded directly into our Post object. The downside to doing this is that it is difficult to query for individual Comment objects. The upside is that we won’t have to make an additional query to retrieve all the comments associated with a given Post.

Deleted References

Now that we’ve defined models that reference other model types, we face another challenge: what happens if a User object is deleted? If one of our beloved authors decides to quit the commenting/posting scene, what is to become of their comments and posts? pymodm gives us a few options:

  • Do nothing (this is the default behavior)
  • Change fields that reference the deleted object to None.
  • Cascade the deletes: when a referenced object is deleted, recursively delete all objects that were referencing it.
  • Don’t allow deleting objects that still have references to them.
  • If the deleted object was just one among potentially many other references stored in a list, remove the reference from this list.

In our case for the Comment and Post objects, let’s delete any comments and posts associated with a User after they’re gone. This would be the changed definition of the author field in each case:

author = fields.ReferenceField(User, on_delete=ReferenceField.CASCADE)

See also

The ReferenceField class.

Creating Data

Alright, now that we’ve defined models for each MongoDB collection our app will use, let’s create some documents!

Saving a Single Instance

Here’s one way to set up our first User:

User('', 'Bob', 'Ross').save()

Above, we used positional arguments to construct an instance of User. Positional arguments are assigned to fields in the order they were defined in the User class. We can also use keyword arguments or a mix of positional/keyword arguments to create MongoModel instances, so this would be equivalent:

User('', last_name='Ross', first_name='Bob').save()

Finally, calling save() on the instance persists it to the database.

Saving Instances in Bulk

We can also save documents to the database in bulk:

users = [
    User('', 'Bob', 'Ross'),
    User('', 'David', 'Attenborough')

Updating Documents

There are two ways to update documents in MongoDB with pymodm:

  1. Change instance attributes to be the way we like, then call save() on the instance.
  2. Use the update() method on the MongoModel’s QuerySet.

Let’s say that we have an instance that looks like this:

post = Post(author=some_author, content='This is the first post!').save()

Now we realize that we forgot to set the revised_on date on the post… oops. Let’s fix that by setting the attribute directly per option (1) above:

import datetime

# Set the revised_on attribute of our Post from earlier.
post.revised_on =
# Save the revised document.

Note that we have to call save() in order to save any changes we’ve made to a MongoModel. Setting the attribute just changes its value on our local copy of the document.

The above update strategy works well if we just want to change this single document. But what if we wanted to update documents in bulk or take advantage of a particular MongoDB update operator? The second option grants us more flexibility: we can use the update() method on the MongoModel’s QuerySet:

Post.objects.raw({'revised_on': {'$exists': False}}).update(
    {'$set': {'revised_on':}})

We’ll discuss QuerySet objects in more detail in the Accessing Data section.

Accessing Data

We’ve seen how to model the data in our database and how to create some documents, so now it’s time to query some of this data. Our primary way of getting to our data happens through the QuerySet class, which can be accessed through the objects attribute on our Model class. Here’s how we could list all the Users we have, for example:

for user in User.objects.all():
    print(user.first_name + ' ' + user.last_name)

We can do the same thing with Post objects. Let’s narrow our search to posts that were revised within the last month:

import datetime

month_ago = - datetime.timedelta(days=30)

for post in Post.objects.raw({'revised_on': {'$gte': month_ago}}):
    print(post.title + ' by ' +

See what we did there? We accessed the first_name attribute on the User object, even though only the id of the User is technically stored in the author field on a Post. When we access the data stored in a ReferenceField, it is dereferenced automatically. This makes a separate query to the database. If we didn’t want that to happen, we would need to use the no_auto_dereference() context manager:

from pymodm.context_managers import no_auto_dereference

# Turn off automatic dereferencing for fields defined on "Post".
with no_auto_dereference(Post):
    for post in Post.objects.raw({'revised_on': {'$gte': month_ago}}):
        print(post.title + ' by author with id ' +

Querying Model Subclasses

Earlier, we mentioned that every class that inherits directly from MongoModel gets its own collection in the database. But what about classes that inherit from some other model class?

class ImagePost(Post):
    image = fields.ImageField()

The above model subclasses the Post model we wrote earlier. Because it does not inherit directly from MongoModel, it does not have its own collection. Instead, it shares a collection among all the other Post objects. However, we are still able to distinguish between different types when querying the database:

for image_post in ImagePost.objects.all():
    assert isinstance(image_post, ImagePost)

for post in Post.objects.all():
    if isinstance(post, ImagePost):
        print('image: ' + repr(post.image))
    print('post content: ' + post.content)

How does this work? For every model class that allows inheritance, pymodm creates another, hidden field called _cls that stores the class of the model that the document refers to. This way, models of different types can be collocated in the same collection while preserving type information.

What if we don’t want this _cls field to be stored in our documents? This is possible by declaring the model to be final, which means that it has to inherit directly from MongoModel and cannot be extended:

class PageTheme(MongoModel):
    theme_name = fields.CharField()
    background_color = fields.CharField()
    foreground_color = fields.CharField()

    class Meta:
        final = True

Advanced: Managers and Custom QuerySets

We can do a lot with just the tools the default QuerySet object provides, but sometimes we may find the need for specialized collection-level functionality, or we might want to write a shortcut for a very common query that we’re performing on one or more models.

Let’s revisit our Post model and add a field called published. This will tell us whether the Post has been published or not. Most of the time, we’ll probably just want to work with those Post objects that have already been published, but it’s going to get annoying fast if we have to include {"published": True} with every query.

class Post(MongoModel):
    title = fields.CharField()
    author = fields.ReferenceField(User)
    revised_on = fields.DateTimeField()
    content = fields.CharField()
    comments = fields.EmbeddedModelListField(Comment)
    published = fields.BooleanField(default=False)

There are two ways we can easily access only those Posts which aren’t drafts:

  1. Create a new QuerySet class that has a method published that filters Post objects for ones that have been published.
  2. Create a new Manager class that always creates instances of QuerySet that have the filter {"published": True} already applied. This would be handy if we only ever cared about Posts that have been published.

We’ll discuss each approach in turn.

Custom QuerySets

Let’s take a look at the first approach, using a custom QuerySet class:

from pymodm.queryset import QuerySet

class PublishedPostQuerySet(QuerySet):
    def published(self):
        '''Return all published Posts.'''
        return self.raw({"published": True})

Now that we’ve defined a QuerySet that has the published method, we need to hook it up with a Manager class so that we can easily use this QuerySet type from our model:

from pymodm.manager import Manager

# Create the new Manager class.
PublishedPostManager = Manager.from_queryset(PublishedPostQuerySet)

class Post(MongoModel):
    title = fields.CharField()
    author = fields.ReferenceField(User)
    revised_on = fields.DateTimeField()
    content = fields.CharField()
    comments = fields.EmbeddedModelListField(Comment)
    published = fields.BooleanField(default=False)

    # Change the "objects" manager to use our own Manager, which returns
    # instances of PublishedPostQuerySet:
    objects = PublishedPostManager()

# Get all published Posts.
published_posts = Post.objects.published()

Custom Managers

Now let’s examine the second approach, where all QuerySet instances already have their {"published": True} query applied.

When we call a QuerySet method from a Manager, as in Post.objects.all(), the all() method is proxied through the objects Manager. The first thing the Manager does in this case is get a QuerySet instance by calling its own get_queryset() method, then it applies whatever operation was called on the Manager.

What this means for us is that we can override get_queryset() to do anything we want to this QuerySet instance before it’s returned. Any future operations we do with that QuerySet will have these operations already applied.

The first thing we need to do is subclass Manager:

class PostManager(Manager):
    def get_queryset(self):
        # Override get_queryset() to apply our filter, so that any
        # QuerySet method we call through the Manager already has our query
        # applied.
        return super(PostManager, self).get_queryset().raw(
            {"published": True})

Then, as before, we add this Manager to their MongoModel:

class Post(MongoModel):
    title = fields.CharField()
    author = fields.ReferenceField(User)
    revised_on = fields.DateTimeField()
    content = fields.CharField()
    comments = fields.EmbeddedModelListField(Comment)
    published = fields.BooleanField(default=False)

    # Change the "objects" manager to use our own PostManager.
    objects = PostManager()

# Get all published Posts.
published_posts = Post.objects.all()

Of course, we can add whatever other methods we wish to our custom Manager, and they don’t all have to return QuerySets. For example, we might define a Manager method to do some complex aggregation:

from collections import OrderedDict

class PostManager(Manager):
    def get_queryset(self):
        # Override get_queryset() to apply our filter, so that any
        # QuerySet method we call through the Manager already has our query
        # applied.
        return super(PostManager, self).get_queryset().raw(
            {"published": True})

    def comment_counts(self):
        '''Get a map of title -> # comments for each Post.'''
        aggregates = self.model.objects.aggregate(
            {'$project': {'title': 1, 'comments': {'$size': '$comments'}}},
            {'$sort': {'comments': -1}}
        return OrderedDict((agg['title'], agg['comments'])
                           for agg in aggregates)

Now we can see easily what Posts have the most comments:

>>> comment_counts = Post.objects.comment_counts()
>>> print(comment_counts)
  ('Getting Started with PyMODM', 9237),
  ('Custom QuerySets and Managers', 423)

What’s Next?

Congratulations! You’ve read through the Getting Started guide and understand the basics of writing an application using PyMODM. For a more detailed reference of tools that come with PyMODM, check out the API documentation.