

MongoDB has paused the development of PyMODM. If there are any users who want to take over and maintain this project, or if you just have questions, please respond to this forum post.

Version 0.5.0.dev0

This release fixes a number of bug-fixes and improvements, including:

  • Rename EmbeddedDocumentField to EmbeddedModelField and EmbeddedDocumentListField to EmbeddedModelListField.
  • Deprecate EmbeddedDocumentField and EmbeddedDocumentListField.

For full list of the issues resolved in this release, visit

Version 0.4.1

This release includes a number of bug-fixes and improvements, including:

  • Improve documentation.
  • Improved support defining models before calling connect().
  • A field’s to_python() method is no longer called on every access. It is only called on the first access after a call to refresh_from_db() or, on the first access after a field is set.
  • Fixed bug when appending to an empty ListField.

For full list of the issues resolved in this release, visit

Version 0.4.0

This release fixes a couple problems from the previous 0.3 release and adds a number of new features, including:

  • Support for callable field defaults.
  • Change default values for DictField, OrderedDictField, ListField, and EmbeddedDocumentListField to be the empty value for their respective containers instead of None.
  • Add the ignore_unknown_fields metadata attribute which allows unknown fields when parsing documents into a MongoModel. Note that with this option enabled, calling save() will erase these fields for that model instance.
  • Add pymodm.queryset.QuerySet.reverse().
  • Properly check that the mongo_name parameter to MongoBaseField and all keys in DictField and OrderedDictField are valid MongoDB field names.
  • Fix multiple issues in dereferencing fields thanks to

For full list of the issues resolved in this release, visit

Version 0.3.0

This release fixes a couple problems from the previous 0.2 release and adds a number of new features, including:

For full list of the issues resolved in this release, visit

Version 0.2.0

This version fixes a few issues and allows defining indexes inside the Meta class in a model.

For a complete list of the issues resolved in this release, visit

Version 0.1.0

This version is the very first release of PyMODM.