Source code for pymodm.fields

# Copyright 2016 MongoDB, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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"""PyMongo ODM Field Definitions."""

import collections
import datetime
import decimal
import ipaddress
import re
import uuid
from collections import OrderedDict

from gridfs import GridFSBucket

import bson
from bson.binary import Binary
from bson.code import Code

_HAS_DECIMAL128 = True
    from bson.decimal128 import Decimal128
except ImportError:
    _HAS_DECIMAL128 = False

from bson.errors import InvalidId
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from bson.int64 import Int64
from bson.regex import Regex
from bson.timestamp import Timestamp

    from PIL import Image
except ImportError:
    _HAS_PILLOW = False

from pymodm import validators
from pymodm.base.fields import RelatedModelFieldsBase, GeoJSONField
from pymodm.common import _import, validate_mongo_keys
from pymodm.compat import text_type, string_types, PY3
from pymodm.connection import _get_db
from pymodm.errors import ValidationError, ConfigurationError
from pymodm.base.fields import MongoBaseField
from pymodm.files import File, GridFSStorage, FieldFile, ImageFieldFile
from pymodm.vendor import parse_datetime

__all__ = [
    'CharField', 'IntegerField', 'BigIntegerField', 'ObjectIdField',
    'BinaryField', 'BooleanField', 'DateTimeField', 'Decimal128Field',
    'EmailField', 'FileField', 'ImageField', 'FloatField',
    'GenericIPAddressField', 'URLField', 'UUIDField',
    'RegularExpressionField', 'JavaScriptField', 'TimestampField',
    'DictField', 'OrderedDictField', 'ListField', 'PointField',
    'LineStringField', 'PolygonField', 'MultiPointField',
    'MultiLineStringField', 'MultiPolygonField', 'GeometryCollectionField',
    'EmbeddedDocumentField', 'EmbeddedDocumentListField', 'ReferenceField'

[docs]class CharField(MongoBaseField): """A field that stores unicode strings.""" def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, min_length=None, max_length=None, **kwargs): """ :parameters: - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. - `min_length`: The required minimum length of the string. - `max_length`: The required maximum length of the string. .. seealso:: constructor for :class:`~pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField` """ super(CharField, self).__init__(verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, **kwargs) self.max_length = max_length self.validators.append( validators.validator_for_length(min_length, max_length))
[docs] def to_python(self, value): return text_type(value)
[docs]class IntegerField(MongoBaseField): """A field that stores a Python int.""" def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, **kwargs): """ :parameters: - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. - `min_value`: The minimum value that can be stored in this field. - `max_value`: The maximum value that can be stored in this field. .. seealso:: constructor for :class:`~pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField` """ super(IntegerField, self).__init__(verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, **kwargs) self.validators.append( validators.together( validators.validator_for_func(int), validators.validator_for_min_max(min_value, max_value)))
[docs] def to_python(self, value): try: return int(value) except ValueError: return value
[docs]class BigIntegerField(IntegerField): """A field that always stores and retrieves numbers as bson.int64.Int64."""
[docs] def to_python(self, value): try: return Int64(value) except ValueError: return value
[docs]class ObjectIdField(MongoBaseField): """A field that stores ObjectIds.""" def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs): """ :parameters: - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. .. seealso:: constructor for :class:`~pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField` """ super(ObjectIdField, self).__init__(verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, **kwargs) self.validators.append( validators.validator_for_func(ObjectId))
[docs] def to_mongo(self, value): if isinstance(value, ObjectId): return value try: return ObjectId(value) except (InvalidId, TypeError): raise ValidationError('%r is not a valid ObjectId hex string.' % value)
[docs] def to_python(self, value): if isinstance(value, ObjectId): return value try: return ObjectId(value) except (InvalidId, TypeError): return value
[docs]class BinaryField(MongoBaseField): """A field that stores binary data.""" def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, subtype=bson.binary.BINARY_SUBTYPE, **kwargs): """ :parameters: - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. - `subtype`: A subtype listed in the :mod:`~bson.binary` module. .. seealso:: constructor for :class:`~pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField` """ super(BinaryField, self).__init__(verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, **kwargs) self.subtype = subtype self.validators.append(validators.validator_for_func(Binary))
[docs] def to_mongo(self, value): if isinstance(value, Binary): return value try: return Binary(value, subtype=self.subtype) except (TypeError, ValueError) as exc: raise ValidationError(exc)
[docs] def to_python(self, value): if isinstance(value, Binary): return value try: return Binary(value, subtype=self.subtype) except (TypeError, ValueError): return value
[docs]class BooleanField(MongoBaseField): """A field that stores boolean values."""
[docs] def to_python(self, value): return bool(value)
[docs]class DateTimeField(MongoBaseField): """A field that stores :class:`~datetime.datetime` objects.""" def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs): """ :parameters: - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. .. seealso:: constructor for :class:`~pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField` """ super(DateTimeField, self).__init__(verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, **kwargs) self.validators.append(self.to_mongo)
[docs] def to_mongo(self, value): if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): return value elif isinstance(value, return datetime.datetime(value.year, value.month, elif isinstance(value, string_types): parsed = parse_datetime(value) if parsed is not None: return parsed try: return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(value) except TypeError: raise ValidationError( '%r cannot be converted to a datetime object.' % value)
[docs] def to_python(self, value): try: return self.to_mongo(value) except ValidationError: return value
[docs]class Decimal128Field(MongoBaseField): """A field that stores :class:`~bson.decimal128.Decimal128` objects. .. note:: This requires MongoDB >= 3.4. """ def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, **kwargs): """ :parameters: - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. - `min_value`: The minimum value that can be stored in this field. - `max_value`: The maximum value that can be stored in this field. .. seealso:: constructor for :class:`~pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField` """ if not _HAS_DECIMAL128: raise ConfigurationError( 'Need PyMongo >= 3.4 in order to use Decimal128Field.') super(Decimal128Field, self).__init__(verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, **kwargs) def validate_min_and_max(value): # Turn value into a Decimal. value = value.to_decimal() validators.validator_for_min_max(min_value, max_value)(value) self.validators.append( validators.together( validators.validator_for_func(self.to_mongo), validate_min_and_max))
[docs] def to_mongo(self, value): if isinstance(value, Decimal128): return value try: return Decimal128(decimal.Decimal(value)) except decimal.DecimalException as exc: raise ValidationError( 'Cannot convert value %r to Decimal128: %s' % (value, exc.__class__.__name__))
[docs] def to_python(self, value): try: return self.to_mongo(value) except ValidationError: return value
[docs]class EmailField(MongoBaseField): """A field that stores email addresses.""" # Better to accept than reject email addresses. # Just assert that there is one '@' sign. EMAIL_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^[^@]+@[^@]+$') def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs): """ :parameters: - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. .. seealso:: constructor for :class:`~pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField` """ super(EmailField, self).__init__(verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, **kwargs) def validate_email(value): if not re.match(self.EMAIL_PATTERN, value): raise ValidationError( '%s is not a valid email address.' % value) self.validators.append(validate_email)
[docs]class FileField(MongoBaseField): """A field that stores files.""" _wrapper_class = FieldFile def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, storage=None, **kwargs): """ :parameters: - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. - `storage`: The :class:`~pymodm.files.Storage` implementation to use for saving and opening files. .. seealso:: constructor for :class:`~pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField` """ super(FileField, self).__init__(verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, **kwargs) = storage
[docs] def to_mongo(self, value): file_obj = self.to_python(value) # Save the file and return its name. if not file_obj._committed:, value) return file_obj.file_id
def _to_field_file(self, value, inst): if isinstance(value, FieldFile): # No need to convert anything. return value # Convert builtin 'file' and others to a File object. if (not isinstance(value, File) and hasattr(value, 'read') and hasattr(value, 'name')): value = File(value,, getattr(value, 'metadata', None)) # Wrap File objects in a FieldFile. if isinstance(value, File): ff = self._wrapper_class(inst, self, value.file_id) ff.file = value ff._committed = False return ff # Value might be the name/id of some file. return self._wrapper_class(inst, self, value) def __get__(self, inst, owner): MongoModelBase = _import('pymodm.base.models.MongoModelBase') if inst is not None and isinstance(inst, MongoModelBase): if is None: gridfs = GridFSBucket( _get_db(self.model._mongometa.connection_alias)) = GridFSStorage(gridfs) try: raw_value = inst._data.get_python_value( self.attname, self.to_python) except KeyError: raw_value = self.default if self.is_blank(raw_value): return raw_value # Turn whatever value we have into a FieldFile instance. _file = self._to_field_file(raw_value, inst) # Store this transformed value back into the instance. inst._data.set_python_value(self.attname, _file) return self.to_python(_file) # Access from outside a Model instance. return self
[docs]class ImageField(FileField): """A field that stores images.""" _wrapper_class = ImageFieldFile def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, storage=None, **kwargs): """ :parameters: - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. - `storage`: The :class:`~pymodm.files.Storage` implementation to use for saving and opening files. .. seealso:: constructor for :class:`~pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField` """ if not _HAS_PILLOW: raise ConfigurationError( 'The PIL or Pillow library must be installed in order ' 'to use ImageField.') super(ImageField, self).__init__(verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, storage=storage, **kwargs) self.validators.append(validators.validator_for_func(
[docs]class FloatField(MongoBaseField): """A field that stores a Python `float`.""" def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, **kwargs): """ :parameters: - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. - `min_value`: The minimum value that can be stored in this field. - `max_value`: The maximum value that can be stored in this field. .. seealso:: constructor for :class:`~pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField` """ super(FloatField, self).__init__(verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, **kwargs) self.validators.append( validators.together( validators.validator_for_func(float), validators.validator_for_min_max(min_value, max_value)))
[docs] def to_mongo(self, value): try: return float(value) except ValueError as e: raise ValidationError(e)
[docs] def to_python(self, value): try: return float(value) except ValueError: return value
[docs]class GenericIPAddressField(MongoBaseField): """A field that stores IPV4 and/or IPV6 addresses.""" IPV4 = 0 """Accept IPv4 addresses only.""" IPV6 = 1 """Accept IPv6 addresses only.""" BOTH = 2 """Accept both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.""" def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, protocol=BOTH, **kwargs): """ :parameters: - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. - `protocol`: What protocol this Field should accept. This should be one of the following: * :attr:`GenericIPAddressField.IPV4` * :attr:`GenericIPAddressField.IPV6` * :attr:`GenericIPAddressField.BOTH` (default). .. seealso:: constructor for :class:`~pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField` """ super(GenericIPAddressField, self).__init__(verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, **kwargs) self.protocol = protocol def validate_ip_address(value): if not PY3 and isinstance(value, str): value = unicode(value) try: if GenericIPAddressField.IPV4 == self.protocol: ipaddress.IPv4Address(value) elif GenericIPAddressField.IPV6 == self.protocol: ipaddress.IPv6Address(value) elif GenericIPAddressField.BOTH == self.protocol: ipaddress.ip_address(value) except (ValueError, ipaddress.AddressValueError): raise ValidationError('%r is not a valid IP address.' % value) self.validators.append(validate_ip_address)
[docs]class URLField(MongoBaseField): """A field that stores URLs.""" SCHEMES = set(['http', 'https', 'ftp', 'ftps']) DOMAIN_PATTERN = re.compile( '(?:[A-Z0-9](?:[A-Z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Z0-9])?\.)+' '(?:[A-Z]{2,6}\.?|[A-Z0-9-]{2,}(?<!-)\.?)' # domain '(?::\d+)?\Z', # optional port re.IGNORECASE ) PATH_PATTERN = re.compile('\A\S*\Z') def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs): """ :parameters: - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. .. seealso:: constructor for :class:`~pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField` """ super(URLField, self).__init__(verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, **kwargs) def validate_url(url): scheme, rest = url.split('://') if scheme.lower() not in self.SCHEMES: raise ValidationError('Unrecognized scheme: ' + scheme) domain, _, path = rest.partition('/') if not re.match(self.PATH_PATTERN, path): raise ValidationError('Invalid path: ' + path) if not re.match(self.DOMAIN_PATTERN, domain): # Maybe it's an ip address? if not PY3 and isinstance(domain, str): domain = unicode(domain) try: ipaddress.ip_address(domain) except ValueError: try: # Maybe there's a port. Remove it, and try again. domain, port = domain.rsplit(':', 1) ipaddress.ip_address(domain) except ValueError: raise ValidationError('Invalid URL: ' + rest) self.validators.append(validate_url)
[docs]class UUIDField(MongoBaseField): """A field that stores :class:`~uuid.UUID` objects.""" def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs): """ :parameters: - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. .. seealso:: constructor for :class:`~pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField` """ super(UUIDField, self).__init__(verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, **kwargs) self.validators.append(self.to_mongo)
[docs] def to_mongo(self, value): if isinstance(value, uuid.UUID): return value try: return uuid.UUID(value) except ValueError as e: raise ValidationError(e)
[docs] def to_python(self, value): try: return self.to_mongo(value) except ValidationError: return value
[docs]class RegularExpressionField(MongoBaseField): """A field that stores MongoDB regular expression types.""" def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs): """ :parameters: - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. .. seealso:: constructor for :class:`~pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField` """ super(RegularExpressionField, self).__init__(verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_python(self, value): try: if isinstance(value, Regex): return value.try_compile() except re.error: pass # Still return the Regex even if it's not Python-compatible, so at least # the value can be accessed. return value
[docs] def to_mongo(self, value): # Allow bson module to handle both Python pattern and bson's Regex. return value
[docs]class JavaScriptField(MongoBaseField): """A field that stores JavaScript code.""" def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs): """ :parameters: - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. .. seealso:: constructor for :class:`~pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField` """ super(JavaScriptField, self).__init__(verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, **kwargs) self.validators.append(self.to_mongo)
[docs] def to_mongo(self, value): if isinstance(value, Code): return value try: return Code(value) except TypeError as e: raise ValidationError(e)
[docs] def to_python(self, value): try: return self.to_mongo(value) except ValidationError: return value
[docs]class TimestampField(MongoBaseField): """A field that stores a BSON timestamp.""" def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs): """ :parameters: - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. .. seealso:: constructor for :class:`~pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField` """ super(TimestampField, self).__init__(verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, **kwargs) self.validators.append(self.to_mongo)
[docs] def to_mongo(self, value): if isinstance(value, Timestamp): return value elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): return Timestamp(value, 0) elif isinstance(value, string_types): try: return Timestamp(parse_datetime(value), 0) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass raise ValidationError('%r cannot be converted to a Timestamp.' % value)
[docs] def to_python(self, value): try: return self.to_mongo(value) except ValidationError: return value
[docs]class DictField(MongoBaseField): """A field that stores a regular Python dictionary.""" def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs): """ :parameters: - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. .. seealso:: constructor for :class:`~pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField` """ kwargs.setdefault('default', dict) super(DictField, self).__init__(verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, **kwargs) self.validators.append(self.to_mongo) # Recursively validate that all dictionary keys are valid in MongoDB. def validate_keys(value): validate_mongo_keys('Dictionary keys', value) self.validators.append(validate_keys)
[docs] def to_mongo(self, value): if isinstance(value, collections.Mapping): return value try: return dict(value) except ValueError as e: raise ValidationError(e)
[docs] def to_python(self, value): try: return self.to_mongo(value) except ValidationError: return value
[docs]class OrderedDictField(DictField): """A field that stores a :class:`~collections.OrderedDict`.""" empty_values = MongoBaseField.empty_values + [OrderedDict()] def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs): """ :parameters: - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. .. seealso:: constructor for :class:`~pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField` """ kwargs.setdefault('default', OrderedDict) super(OrderedDictField, self).__init__(verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, **kwargs) self.validators.append(self.to_mongo)
[docs] def to_mongo(self, value): if isinstance(value, OrderedDict): return value try: return OrderedDict(value) except ValueError as e: raise ValidationError(e)
[docs] def to_python(self, value): try: return self.to_mongo(value) except ValidationError: return value
[docs]class ListField(MongoBaseField): """A field that stores a list.""" def __init__(self, field=None, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs): """ :parameters: - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. - `field`: The Field instance of all items in this list. This needs to be an *instance* of a `MongoBaseField` subclass. .. seealso:: constructor for :class:`~pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField` """ kwargs.setdefault('default', list) super(ListField, self).__init__(verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, **kwargs) if field is not None and not isinstance(field, MongoBaseField): raise ValueError( 'field must be an instance of MongoBaseField, ' 'not %s' % (field,)) self._field = field def validate_items(items): if self._field: for item in items: self._field.validate(item) self.validators.append(validate_items)
[docs] def to_mongo(self, value): if self._field: return [self._field.to_mongo(v) for v in value] return value
[docs] def to_python(self, value): if self._field: return [self._field.to_python(v) for v in value] return value
[docs] def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name): super(ListField, self).contribute_to_class(cls, name) # Let inner fields know what model we're attached to. field = self._field while field is not None: field.model = self.model field = getattr(field, '_field', None)
def __get__(self, inst, owner): value = super(ListField, self).__get__(inst, owner) MongoModelBase = _import('pymodm.base.models.MongoModelBase') if inst is not None and isinstance(inst, MongoModelBase): ReferenceField = _import('pymodm.fields.ReferenceField') if isinstance(self._field, ReferenceField): # Modify list in-place to avoid invalidating existing refs. value[:] = self.to_python(value)[:] if not self.is_blank(value): self.__set__(inst, value) return value
# # Geospatial field types. #
[docs]class PointField(GeoJSONField): """A field that stores the GeoJSON 'Point' type. Values may be assigned to this field that are already in GeoJSON format, or you can assign a list that simply describes (longitude, latitude) in that order. """ _geojson_name = 'Point' @staticmethod def validate_coordinates(coordinates): if not (isinstance(coordinates, (list, tuple)) and len(coordinates) == 2): raise ValidationError('Point is not a pair: %r' % coordinates) validate_number = validators.validator_for_type( (float, int), 'coordinate value') validate_number(coordinates[0]) validate_number(coordinates[1])
[docs]class LineStringField(GeoJSONField): """A field that stores the GeoJSON 'LineString' type. Values may be assigned to this field that are already in GeoJSON format, or you can assign a list of coordinate points (each a list of two coordinates). """ _geojson_name = 'LineString' @staticmethod def validate_coordinates(coordinates): try: coordinates[0][0] except Exception: raise ValidationError('LineString must contain at least one Point.') errors = [] for point in coordinates: try: PointField.validate_coordinates(point) except ValidationError as e: errors.append(e) if errors: raise ValidationError(errors)
[docs]class PolygonField(GeoJSONField): """A field that stores the GeoJSON 'Polygon' type. Values may be assigned to this field that are already in GeoJSON format, or you can assign a list of LineStrings (each a list of Points). """ _geojson_name = 'Polygon' @staticmethod def validate_coordinates(coordinates): try: coordinates[0][0][0] except Exception: raise ValidationError( 'Polygons must contain at least one LineString.') errors = [] for linestring in coordinates: try: LineStringField.validate_coordinates(linestring) except ValidationError as e: errors.append(e) else: if linestring[0] != linestring[-1]: errors.append(ValidationError( 'LineString must start and end at the same Point: %r' % linestring)) if errors: raise ValidationError(errors)
[docs]class MultiPointField(GeoJSONField): """A field that stores the GeoJSON 'MultiPoint' type. Values may be assigned to this field that are already in GeoJSON format, or you can assign a list of Points (a list containing two coordinates). """ _geojson_name = 'MultiPoint' @staticmethod def validate_coordinates(coordinates): try: coordinates[0][0] except Exception: raise ValidationError( 'MultiPoint must contain at least one Point.') errors = [] for point in coordinates: try: PointField.validate_coordinates(point) except ValidationError as e: errors.append(e) if errors: raise ValidationError(errors)
[docs]class MultiLineStringField(GeoJSONField): """A field that stores the GeoJSON 'MultiLineString' type. Values may be assigned to this field that are already in GeoJSON format, or you can assign a list of LineStrings (each a list of Points). """ _geojson_name = 'MultiLineString' @staticmethod def validate_coordinates(coordinates): try: coordinates[0][0][0] except Exception: raise ValidationError( 'MultiLineString must contain at least one LineString.') errors = [] for linestring in coordinates: try: LineStringField.validate_coordinates(linestring) except ValidationError as e: errors.append(e) if errors: raise ValidationError(errors)
[docs]class MultiPolygonField(GeoJSONField): """A field that stores the GeoJSON 'MultiPolygonField' type. Values may be assigned to this field that are already in GeoJSON format, or you can assign a list of LineStrings (each a list of Points). """ _geojson_name = 'MultiPolygon' @staticmethod def validate_coordinates(coordinates): try: coordinates[0][0][0][0] except Exception: raise ValidationError( 'MultiPolygon must contain at least one Polygon.') errors = [] for polygon in coordinates: try: PolygonField.validate_coordinates(polygon) except ValidationError as e: errors.append(e) if errors: raise ValidationError(errors)
[docs]class GeometryCollectionField(MongoBaseField): """A field that stores the GeoJSON 'GeometryCollection' type. Values may be assigned to this field that are already in GeoJSON format, or you can assign a list of geometries, where each geometry is a GeoJSON document. """ _geo_field_classes = { 'Point': PointField, 'LineString': LineStringField, 'Polygon': PolygonField, 'MultiPoint': MultiPointField, 'MultiLineString': MultiLineStringField, 'MultiPolygon': MultiPolygonField, } def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs): """ :parameters: - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. .. seealso:: constructor for :class:`~pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField` """ super(GeometryCollectionField, self).__init__(verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, **kwargs) self.validators.append( validators.together( validators.validator_for_type(dict), validators.validator_for_geojson_type('GeometryCollection'), lambda value: validators.validator_for_type( (list, tuple), 'Geometries')(value.get('geometries')))) self.validators.append( lambda value: self.validate_geometries(value.get('geometries'))) @classmethod def validate_geometries(cls, geometries): if not geometries: raise ValidationError( 'geometries must contain at least one geometry.') errors = [] for geometry in geometries: geometry_type = geometry.get('type') field_class = cls._geo_field_classes.get(geometry_type) try: if field_class is None: raise ValidationError( 'Invalid GeoJSON type: %s' % geometry_type) else: field_class.validate_geojson(geometry) except ValidationError as e: errors.append(e) if errors: raise ValidationError(errors)
[docs] def to_python(self, value): if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): return {'type': 'GeometryCollection', 'geometries': value} return value
# # RelatedModelField types. #
[docs]class EmbeddedDocumentField(RelatedModelFieldsBase): """A field that stores a document inside another document.""" def __init__(self, model, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs): """ :parameters: - `model`: A :class:`~pymodm.EmbeddedMongoModel`, or the name of one, as a string. - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. .. seealso:: constructor for :class:`~pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField` """ super(EmbeddedDocumentField, self).__init__(model=model, verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, **kwargs) def validate_related_model(value): if not isinstance(value, self.related_model): raise ValidationError('value must be an instance of %s.' % (self.related_model.__name__)) value.full_clean() self.validators.append(validate_related_model)
[docs] def to_python(self, value): if isinstance(value, dict): # Try to convert the value into our document type. return self.related_model.from_document(value) return value
[docs] def to_mongo(self, value): return self._model_to_document(value)
[docs]class EmbeddedDocumentListField(RelatedModelFieldsBase): """A field that stores a list of documents within a document. All documents in the list must be of the same type. """ def __init__(self, model, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs): """ :parameters: - `model`: A :class:`~pymodm.EmbeddedMongoModel`, or the name of one, as a string. - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. .. seealso:: constructor for :class:`~pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField` """ kwargs.setdefault('default', list) super(EmbeddedDocumentListField, self).__init__( model=model, verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, **kwargs) def validate_related_model(value): if not isinstance(value, list): raise ValidationError('%r must be a list.' % value) for v in value: if not isinstance(v, self.related_model): raise ValidationError( '%r is not an instance of %s.' % (v, self.related_model.__name__)) v.full_clean() self.validators.append(validate_related_model)
[docs] def to_python(self, value): return [self.related_model.from_document(item) if isinstance(item, dict) else item for item in value]
[docs] def to_mongo(self, value): return [self._model_to_document(doc) for doc in value]
[docs]class ReferenceField(RelatedModelFieldsBase): """A field that references another document within a document.""" # Delete rules. DO_NOTHING = 0 """Don't do anything upon deletion.""" NULLIFY = 1 """Set the reference to ``None`` upon deletion.""" CASCADE = 2 """Delete documents associated with the reference.""" DENY = 3 """Disallow deleting objects that are still referenced.""" PULL = 4 """ Pull the reference of the deleted object out of a :class:`~pymodm.fields.ListField` """ def __init__(self, model, on_delete=DO_NOTHING, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs): """ :parameters: - `model`: The class of :class:`~pymodm.MongoModel` that this field references or the name of the model as a string. - `on_delete`: The action to take (if any) when the referenced object is deleted. The delete rule should be one of the following: * :attr:`ReferenceField.DO_NOTHING` (default). * :attr:`ReferenceField.NULLIFY` * :attr:`ReferenceField.CASCADE` * :attr:`ReferenceField.DENY` * :attr:`ReferenceField.PULL` - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. .. seealso:: constructor for :class:`~pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField` example:: class User(MongoModel): name = fields.CharField() # Reference the current model by passing the name as a string. friend = fields.ReferenceField('User') class Post(MongoModel): title = fields.CharField() author = fields.ReferenceField(User) .. seealso:: :ref:`GettingStartedReferenceExample`. """ super(ReferenceField, self).__init__(model=model, verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, **kwargs) TopLevelMongoModel = _import('pymodm.base.models.TopLevelMongoModel') if (ReferenceField.DO_NOTHING != on_delete and not (isinstance(model, type) and issubclass(model, TopLevelMongoModel))): raise ValueError( 'Cannot specify on_delete without providing a Model class ' 'for model (was: %r). For bidirectional delete rules, ' 'use MyModelClass.register_delete_rule instead.' % model) self._on_delete = on_delete self.validators.append(validators.validator_for_func(self.to_mongo))
[docs] def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name): super(ReferenceField, self).contribute_to_class(cls, name) # Install our delete rule on the class. if ReferenceField.DO_NOTHING != self._on_delete: self.related_model.register_delete_rule(self.model, name, self._on_delete)
def dereference_if_needed(self, value): # Already dereferenced values can be returned immediately. if isinstance(value, self.related_model): return value # Attempt to dereference the value as an id. if self.model._mongometa._auto_dereference: dereference_id = _import('pymodm.dereference.dereference_id') return dereference_id(self.related_model, value) return
[docs] def to_python(self, value): # Default/blank values can be returned immediately. if self.is_blank(value): return value # Attempt casting to referenced model. if isinstance(value, dict): try: return self.related_model.from_document(value) except (ValueError, TypeError): pass return self.dereference_if_needed(value)
[docs] def to_mongo(self, value): if isinstance(value, self.related_model): if raise ValidationError( 'Referenced Models must be saved to the database first.') return # Assume value is some form of the _id. return
def __get__(self, inst, owner): value = super(ReferenceField, self).__get__(inst, owner) MongoModelBase = _import('pymodm.base.models.MongoModelBase') if inst is not None and isinstance(inst, MongoModelBase): return self.to_python(value) return self