API Documentation

Welcome to the PyMODM API documentation.


Tools for managing connections in MongoModels.

pymodm.connection.connect(mongodb_uri, alias='default', **kwargs)[source]

Register a connection to MongoDB, optionally providing a name for it.

Note: connect() must be called with before any MongoModel is used with the given alias.

  • mongodb_uri: A MongoDB connection string. Any options may be passed within the string that are supported by PyMongo. mongodb_uri must specify a database, which will be used by any MongoModel that uses this connection.
  • alias: An optional name for this connection, backed by a MongoClient instance that is cached under this name. You can specify what connection a MongoModel uses by specifying the connection’s alias via the connection_alias attribute inside their Meta class. Switching connections is also possible using the switch_connection context manager. Note that calling connect() multiple times with the same alias will replace any previous connections.
  • kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the underlying MongoClient.

Defining Models

class pymodm.MongoModel(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Base class for all top-level models.

A MongoModel definition typically includes a number of field instances and possibly a Meta class attribute that provides metadata or settings specific to the model.

MongoModels can be instantiated either with positional or keyword arguments. Positional arguments are bound to the fields in the order the fields are defined on the model. Keyword argument names are the same as the names of the fields:

from pymongo.read_preferences import ReadPreference

class User(MongoModel):
    email = fields.EmailField(primary_key=True)
    name = fields.CharField()

    class Meta:
        # Read from secondaries.
        read_preference = ReadPreference.SECONDARY

# Instantiate User using positional arguments:
jane = User('jane@janesemailaddress.net', 'Jane')
# Keyword arguments:
roy = User(name='Roy', email='roy@roysemailaddress.net')

Note that connect() has to be called (defining the respective connection alias, if any) before any MongoModel can be used with that alias. If indexes is defined on Meta, then this has to be before the MongoModel class is evaluated.

The following metadata attributes are available:

  • connection_alias: The alias of the connection to use for the moel.
  • collection_name: The name of the collection to use. By default, this is the same name as the model, converted to snake case.
  • codec_options: An instance of CodecOptions to use for reading and writing documents of this model type.
  • final: Whether to restrict inheritance on this model. If True, the _cls field will not be stored in the document. False by default.
  • cascade: If True, save all MongoModel instances this object references when save() is called on this object.
  • read_preference: The ReadPreference to use when reading documents.
  • read_concern: The ReadConcern to use when reading documents.
  • write_concern: The WriteConcern to use for write operations.
  • indexes: This is a list of IndexModel instances that describe the indexes that should be created for this model. Indexes are created when the class definition is evaluated.
  • ignore_unknown_fields: If True, fields that aren’t defined in the model will be ignored when parsing documents from MongoDB, such as in from_document(). By default, unknown fields will cause a ValueError to be raised. Note that with this option enabled, calling save() will erase these fields for that model instance.


Creating an instance of MongoModel does not create a document in the database.


Run custom validation rules run when full_clean() is called.

This is an abstract method that can be overridden to validate the MongoModel instance as a whole. Custom field validation is better done by passing a validator to the validators parameter in a field’s constructor.


class Vacation(MongoModel):
    destination = fields.CharField(choices=('HAWAII', 'DETROIT'))
    travel_method = fields.CharField(
        choices=('PLANE', 'CAR', 'BOAT'))

    def clean(self):
        # Custom validation that requires looking at several fields.
        if (self.destination == 'HAWAII' and
                self.travel_method == 'CAR'):
            raise ValidationError('Cannot travel to Hawaii by car.')

Validate the values of all fields.

This method will raise a ValidationError that describes all issues with each field, if any field fails to pass validation.

  • exclude: A list of fields to exclude from validation.

Delete this object from MongoDB.

classmethod from_document(document)

Construct an instance of this class from the given document.

  • document: A Python dictionary describing a MongoDB document. Keys within the document must be named according to each model field’s mongo_name attribute, rather than the field’s Python name.

Validate this MongoModel.

This method calls clean_fields() to validate the values of all fields then clean() to apply any custom validation rules to the model as a whole.

  • exclude: A list of fields to exclude from validation.

Return True if the data in this Model is valid.

This method runs the full_clean() method and returns True if no ValidationError was raised.


An alias for the primary key (called _id in MongoDB).


Reload this object from the database, overwriting local field values.

  • fields: An iterable of fields to reload. Defaults to all fields.


This method will reload the object from the database, possibly with only a subset of fields. Calling save() after this may revert or unset fields in the database.

classmethod register_delete_rule(related_model, related_field, rule)

Specify what to do when an instance of this class is deleted.

  • related_model: The class that references this class.
  • related_field: The name of the field in related_model that references this class.
  • rule: The delete rule. See ReferenceField for details.
save(cascade=None, full_clean=True, force_insert=False)

Save this document into MongoDB.

If there is no value for the primary key on this Model instance, the instance will be inserted into MongoDB. Otherwise, the entire document will be replaced with this version (upserting if necessary).

  • cascade: If True, all dereferenced MongoModels contained in this Model instance will also be saved.
  • full_clean: If True, the full_clean() method will be called before persisting this object.
  • force_insert: If True, always do an insert instead of a replace. In this case, save will raise DuplicateKeyError if a document already exists with the same primary key.

This object, with the pk property filled in if it wasn’t already.


Get this Model back as a SON object.

Returns:SON representing this object as a MongoDB document.
class pymodm.EmbeddedMongoModel(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Base class for models that represent embedded documents.


Run custom validation rules run when full_clean() is called.

This is an abstract method that can be overridden to validate the MongoModel instance as a whole. Custom field validation is better done by passing a validator to the validators parameter in a field’s constructor.


class Vacation(MongoModel):
    destination = fields.CharField(choices=('HAWAII', 'DETROIT'))
    travel_method = fields.CharField(
        choices=('PLANE', 'CAR', 'BOAT'))

    def clean(self):
        # Custom validation that requires looking at several fields.
        if (self.destination == 'HAWAII' and
                self.travel_method == 'CAR'):
            raise ValidationError('Cannot travel to Hawaii by car.')

Validate the values of all fields.

This method will raise a ValidationError that describes all issues with each field, if any field fails to pass validation.

  • exclude: A list of fields to exclude from validation.
classmethod from_document(document)

Construct an instance of this class from the given document.

  • document: A Python dictionary describing a MongoDB document. Keys within the document must be named according to each model field’s mongo_name attribute, rather than the field’s Python name.

Validate this MongoModel.

This method calls clean_fields() to validate the values of all fields then clean() to apply any custom validation rules to the model as a whole.

  • exclude: A list of fields to exclude from validation.

Get this Model back as a SON object.

Returns:SON representing this object as a MongoDB document.

Model Fields

class pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, primary_key=False, blank=False, required=False, default=None, choices=None, validators=None)[source]

Base class for all MongoDB Model Field types.

Create a new Field instance.

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.
  • primary_key: If True, this Field will be used for the _id field when stored in MongoDB. Note that the mongo_name of the primary key field cannot be changed from _id.
  • blank: If True, allow this field to have an empty value.
  • required: If True, do not allow this field to be unspecified.
  • default: The default value to use for this field if no other value has been given. If default is callable, then the return value of default() will be used as the default value.
  • choices: A list of possible values for the field. This can be a flat list, or a list of 2-tuples consisting of an allowed field value and a human-readable version of that value.
  • validators: A list of callables used to validate this Field’s value.
contribute_to_class(cls, name)[source]

Callback executed when adding this Field to a Model.


Get the creation order of this Field.


Determine if the value is blank.


Determine if a field is undefined (has not been given any value).


Get the value of this field as it should be stored in MongoDB.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion before the value of this field is stored in MongoDB.


Coerce the raw value for this field to an appropriate Python type.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion when this field is accessed from a MongoModel instance.


Validate the value of this field.


Get the value of this field from the given Model instance.

PyMongo ODM Field Definitions.

class pymodm.fields.GenericIPAddressField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, protocol=2, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores IPV4 and/or IPV6 addresses.


See also

constructor for MongoBaseField

IPV4 = 0

Accept IPv4 addresses only.

IPV6 = 1

Accept IPv6 addresses only.

BOTH = 2

Accept both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.

class pymodm.fields.ReferenceField(model, on_delete=0, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that references another document within a document.


See also

constructor for MongoBaseField


class User(MongoModel):
    name = fields.CharField()
    # Reference the current model by passing the name as a string.
    friend = fields.ReferenceField('User')

class Post(MongoModel):
    title = fields.CharField()
    author = fields.ReferenceField(User)

Don’t do anything upon deletion.


Set the reference to None upon deletion.


Delete documents associated with the reference.

DENY = 3

Disallow deleting objects that are still referenced.

PULL = 4

Pull the reference of the deleted object out of a ListField

contribute_to_class(cls, name)[source]

Callback executed when adding this Field to a Model.


Coerce the raw value for this field to an appropriate Python type.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion when this field is accessed from a MongoModel instance.


Get the value of this field as it should be stored in MongoDB.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion before the value of this field is stored in MongoDB.

class pymodm.fields.CharField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, min_length=None, max_length=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores unicode strings.

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.
  • min_length: The required minimum length of the string.
  • max_length: The required maximum length of the string.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField


Coerce the raw value for this field to an appropriate Python type.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion when this field is accessed from a MongoModel instance.

class pymodm.fields.IntegerField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores a Python int.

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.
  • min_value: The minimum value that can be stored in this field.
  • max_value: The maximum value that can be stored in this field.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField


Coerce the raw value for this field to an appropriate Python type.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion when this field is accessed from a MongoModel instance.

class pymodm.fields.BigIntegerField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that always stores and retrieves numbers as bson.int64.Int64.

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.
  • min_value: The minimum value that can be stored in this field.
  • max_value: The maximum value that can be stored in this field.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField


Coerce the raw value for this field to an appropriate Python type.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion when this field is accessed from a MongoModel instance.

class pymodm.fields.ObjectIdField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores ObjectIds.

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField


Get the value of this field as it should be stored in MongoDB.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion before the value of this field is stored in MongoDB.


Coerce the raw value for this field to an appropriate Python type.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion when this field is accessed from a MongoModel instance.

class pymodm.fields.BinaryField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, subtype=0, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores binary data.

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.
  • subtype: A subtype listed in the binary module.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField


Get the value of this field as it should be stored in MongoDB.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion before the value of this field is stored in MongoDB.


Coerce the raw value for this field to an appropriate Python type.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion when this field is accessed from a MongoModel instance.

class pymodm.fields.BooleanField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, primary_key=False, blank=False, required=False, default=None, choices=None, validators=None)[source]

A field that stores boolean values.

Create a new Field instance.

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.
  • primary_key: If True, this Field will be used for the _id field when stored in MongoDB. Note that the mongo_name of the primary key field cannot be changed from _id.
  • blank: If True, allow this field to have an empty value.
  • required: If True, do not allow this field to be unspecified.
  • default: The default value to use for this field if no other value has been given. If default is callable, then the return value of default() will be used as the default value.
  • choices: A list of possible values for the field. This can be a flat list, or a list of 2-tuples consisting of an allowed field value and a human-readable version of that value.
  • validators: A list of callables used to validate this Field’s value.

Coerce the raw value for this field to an appropriate Python type.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion when this field is accessed from a MongoModel instance.

class pymodm.fields.DateTimeField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores datetime objects.

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField


Get the value of this field as it should be stored in MongoDB.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion before the value of this field is stored in MongoDB.


Coerce the raw value for this field to an appropriate Python type.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion when this field is accessed from a MongoModel instance.

class pymodm.fields.Decimal128Field(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores Decimal128 objects.


This requires MongoDB >= 3.4.

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.
  • min_value: The minimum value that can be stored in this field.
  • max_value: The maximum value that can be stored in this field.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField


Get the value of this field as it should be stored in MongoDB.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion before the value of this field is stored in MongoDB.


Coerce the raw value for this field to an appropriate Python type.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion when this field is accessed from a MongoModel instance.

class pymodm.fields.EmailField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores email addresses.

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField

class pymodm.fields.FileField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, storage=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores files.

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.
  • storage: The Storage implementation to use for saving and opening files.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField


Get the value of this field as it should be stored in MongoDB.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion before the value of this field is stored in MongoDB.

class pymodm.fields.ImageField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, storage=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores images.

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.
  • storage: The Storage implementation to use for saving and opening files.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField

class pymodm.fields.FloatField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, min_value=None, max_value=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores a Python float.

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.
  • min_value: The minimum value that can be stored in this field.
  • max_value: The maximum value that can be stored in this field.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField


Get the value of this field as it should be stored in MongoDB.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion before the value of this field is stored in MongoDB.


Coerce the raw value for this field to an appropriate Python type.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion when this field is accessed from a MongoModel instance.

class pymodm.fields.URLField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores URLs.

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField

class pymodm.fields.UUIDField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores UUID objects.

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField


Get the value of this field as it should be stored in MongoDB.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion before the value of this field is stored in MongoDB.


Coerce the raw value for this field to an appropriate Python type.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion when this field is accessed from a MongoModel instance.

class pymodm.fields.RegularExpressionField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores MongoDB regular expression types.

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField


Get the value of this field as it should be stored in MongoDB.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion before the value of this field is stored in MongoDB.


Coerce the raw value for this field to an appropriate Python type.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion when this field is accessed from a MongoModel instance.

class pymodm.fields.JavaScriptField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores JavaScript code.

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField


Get the value of this field as it should be stored in MongoDB.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion before the value of this field is stored in MongoDB.


Coerce the raw value for this field to an appropriate Python type.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion when this field is accessed from a MongoModel instance.

class pymodm.fields.TimestampField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores a BSON timestamp.

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField


Get the value of this field as it should be stored in MongoDB.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion before the value of this field is stored in MongoDB.


Coerce the raw value for this field to an appropriate Python type.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion when this field is accessed from a MongoModel instance.

class pymodm.fields.DictField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores a regular Python dictionary.

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField


Get the value of this field as it should be stored in MongoDB.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion before the value of this field is stored in MongoDB.


Coerce the raw value for this field to an appropriate Python type.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion when this field is accessed from a MongoModel instance.

class pymodm.fields.OrderedDictField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores a OrderedDict.

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField


Get the value of this field as it should be stored in MongoDB.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion before the value of this field is stored in MongoDB.


Coerce the raw value for this field to an appropriate Python type.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion when this field is accessed from a MongoModel instance.

class pymodm.fields.ListField(field=None, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores a list.

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.
  • field: The Field instance of all items in this list. This needs to be an instance of a MongoBaseField subclass.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField

contribute_to_class(cls, name)[source]

Callback executed when adding this Field to a Model.


Get the value of this field as it should be stored in MongoDB.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion before the value of this field is stored in MongoDB.


Coerce the raw value for this field to an appropriate Python type.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion when this field is accessed from a MongoModel instance.

class pymodm.fields.PointField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores the GeoJSON ‘Point’ type.

Values may be assigned to this field that are already in GeoJSON format, or you can assign a list that simply describes (longitude, latitude) in that order.

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField

class pymodm.fields.LineStringField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores the GeoJSON ‘LineString’ type.

Values may be assigned to this field that are already in GeoJSON format, or you can assign a list of coordinate points (each a list of two coordinates).

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField

class pymodm.fields.PolygonField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores the GeoJSON ‘Polygon’ type.

Values may be assigned to this field that are already in GeoJSON format, or you can assign a list of LineStrings (each a list of Points).

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField

class pymodm.fields.MultiPointField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores the GeoJSON ‘MultiPoint’ type.

Values may be assigned to this field that are already in GeoJSON format, or you can assign a list of Points (a list containing two coordinates).

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField

class pymodm.fields.MultiLineStringField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores the GeoJSON ‘MultiLineString’ type.

Values may be assigned to this field that are already in GeoJSON format, or you can assign a list of LineStrings (each a list of Points).

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField

class pymodm.fields.MultiPolygonField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores the GeoJSON ‘MultiPolygonField’ type.

Values may be assigned to this field that are already in GeoJSON format, or you can assign a list of LineStrings (each a list of Points).

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField

class pymodm.fields.GeometryCollectionField(verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores the GeoJSON ‘GeometryCollection’ type.

Values may be assigned to this field that are already in GeoJSON format, or you can assign a list of geometries, where each geometry is a GeoJSON document.

  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField


Coerce the raw value for this field to an appropriate Python type.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion when this field is accessed from a MongoModel instance.

class pymodm.fields.EmbeddedDocumentField(model, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores a document inside another document.

  • model: A EmbeddedMongoModel, or the name of one, as a string.
  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField


Get the value of this field as it should be stored in MongoDB.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion before the value of this field is stored in MongoDB.


Coerce the raw value for this field to an appropriate Python type.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion when this field is accessed from a MongoModel instance.

class pymodm.fields.EmbeddedDocumentListField(model, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs)[source]

A field that stores a list of documents within a document.

All documents in the list must be of the same type.

  • model: A EmbeddedMongoModel, or the name of one, as a string.
  • verbose_name: A human-readable name for the Field.
  • mongo_name: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB.

See also

constructor for MongoBaseField


Get the value of this field as it should be stored in MongoDB.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion before the value of this field is stored in MongoDB.


Coerce the raw value for this field to an appropriate Python type.

Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion when this field is accessed from a MongoModel instance.


class pymodm.manager.BaseManager[source]

Abstract base class for all Managers.

BaseManager has no underlying QuerySet implementation. To extend this class into a concrete class, a QuerySet implementation must be provided by calling from_queryset():

class MyQuerySet(QuerySet):

MyManager = BaseManager.from_queryset(MyQuerySet)

Extending this class by calling from_queryset creates a new Manager class that wraps only the methods from the given QuerySet type (and not from the default QuerySet implementation).

See also

The default Manager.

contribute_to_class(cls, name)[source]

The order in which this Manager instance was created.

classmethod from_queryset(queryset_class, class_name=None)[source]

Create a Manager that delegates methods to the given QuerySet class.

The Manager class returned is a subclass of this Manager class.

  • queryset_class: The QuerySet class to be instantiated by the Manager.
  • class_name: The name of the Manager class. If one is not provided, the name of the Manager will be XXXFromYYY, where XXX is the name of this Manager class, and YYY is the name of the QuerySet class.

Get a QuerySet instance.

class pymodm.manager.Manager[source]

The default manager used for MongoModel instances.

This implementation of BaseManager uses QuerySet as its QuerySet class.

This Manager class (accessed via the objects attribute on a MongoModel) is used by default for all MongoModel classes, unless another Manager instance is supplied as an attribute within the MongoModel definition.

Managers have two primary functions:

  1. Construct QuerySet instances for use when querying or working with MongoModel instances in bulk.
  2. Define collection-level functionality that can be reused across different MongoModel types.

If you created a custom QuerySet that makes certain queries easier, for example, you will need to create a custom Manager type that returns this queryset using the from_queryset() method:

class UserQuerySet(QuerySet):
    def active(self):
        '''Return only active users.'''
        return self.raw({"active": True})

class User(MongoModel):
    active = fields.BooleanField()
    # Add our custom Manager.
    users = Manager.from_queryset(UserQuerySet)

In the above example, we added a users attribute on User so that we can use the active method on our new QuerySet type:

active_users = User.users.active()

If we wanted every method on the QuerySet to examine active users only, we can do that by customizing the Manager itself:

class UserManager(Manager):
    def get_queryset(self):
        # Override get_queryset, so that every QuerySet created will
        # have this filter applied.
        return super(UserManager, self).get_queryset().raw(
            {"active": True})

class User(MongoModel):
    active = fields.BooleanField()
    users = UserManager()

active_users = User.users.all()


class pymodm.queryset.QuerySet(model=None, query=None)[source]

The default QuerySet type.

QuerySets handle queries and allow working with documents in bulk.

  • model: The MongoModel class to be produced by the QuerySet.
  • query: The MongoDB query that filters the QuerySet.
aggregate(*pipeline, **kwargs)[source]

Perform a MongoDB aggregation.

Any query, projection, sort, skip, and limit applied to this QuerySet will become aggregation pipeline stages in that order before any additional stages given in pipeline.

  • pipeline: Additional aggregation pipeline stages.
  • kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass down to PyMongo’s aggregate() method.

A CommandCursor over the result set.


>>> # Apply a filter before aggregation.
>>> qs = Vacation.objects.raw({'travel_method': 'CAR'})
>>> # Run aggregation pipeline.
>>> cursor = qs.aggregate(
...     {'$group': {'_id': '$destination',
...                 'price': {'$min': '$price'}}},
...     {'$sort': {'price': pymongo.DESCENDING}},
...     allowDiskUse=True)
>>> list(cursor)
[{'_id': 'GRAND CANYON', 'price': 123.12},
 {'_id': 'MUIR WOODS', 'price': '25.31'},
 {'_id': 'BIGGEST BALL OF TWINE', 'price': '0.25'}]

Return a QuerySet over all the objects in this QuerySet.

bulk_create(object_or_objects, retrieve=False, full_clean=False)[source]

Save Model instances in bulk.

  • object_or_objects: A list of MongoModel instances or a single instance.
  • retrieve: Whether to return the saved MongoModel instances. If False (the default), only the ids will be returned.
  • full_clean: Whether to validate each object by calling the full_clean() method before saving. This isn’t done by default.

A list of ids for the documents saved, or of the MongoModel instances themselves if retrieve is True.


>>> vacation_ids = Vacation.objects.bulk_create([
...     Vacation(destination='TOKYO', travel_method='PLANE'),
...     Vacation(destination='ALGIERS', travel_method='PLANE')])
>>> print(vacation_ids)

Specify a collation to use for string comparisons.

This will override the default collation of the collection.

  • collation: An instance of ~pymongo.collation.Collation or a dict specifying the collation.

Return the number of objects in this QuerySet.


Save an instance of this QuerySet’s Model.

  • kwargs: Keyword arguments specifying the field values for the MongoModel instance to be created.

The MongoModel instance, after it has been saved.


>>> vacation = Vacation.objects.create(
...     destination="ROME",
...     travel_method="PLANE")
>>> print(vacation)
Vacation(destination='ROME', travel_method='PLANE')
>>> print(vacation.pk)

Delete objects matched by this QuerySet.

Returns:The number of documents deleted.

Exclude specified fields in QuerySet results.

  • fields: MongoDB names of fields to be excluded.


>>> list(Vacation.objects.all())
[Vacation(destination='HAWAII', travel_method='BOAT'),
 Vacation(destination='NAPA', travel_method='CAR')]
>>> list(Vacation.objects.exclude('travel_method'))
[Vacation(destination='HAWAII'), Vacation(destination='NAPA')]

Return the first object from this QuerySet.


Retrieve the object matching the given criteria.

Raises DoesNotExist if no object was found. Raises MultipleObjectsReturned if multiple objects were found.

Note that these exception types are specific to the model class itself, so that it’s possible to differentiate exceptions on the model type:

    user = User.objects.get({'_id': user_id})
    profile = UserProfile.objects.get({'user': user.email})
except User.DoesNotExist:
    # Handle User not existing.
    return redirect_to_registration(user_id)
except UserProfile.DoesNotExist:
    # User has not set up their profile.
    return setup_user_profile(user_id)

These model-specific exceptions all inherit from exceptions of the same name defined in the errors module, so you can catch them all:

    user = User.objects.get({'_id': user_id})
    profile = UserProfile.objects.get({'user': user.email})
except errors.DoesNotExist:
    # Either the User or UserProfile does not exist.
    return redirect_to_404(user_id)

Limit the number of objects in this QuerySet.

  • limit: The maximum number of documents to return.

Include only specified fields in QuerySet results.

This method is chainable and performs a union of the given fields.

  • fields: MongoDB names of fields to be included.


>>> list(Vacation.objects.all())
[Vacation(destination='HAWAII', travel_method='BOAT'),
 Vacation(destination='NAPA', travel_method='CAR')]
>>> list(Vacation.objects.only('travel_method'))
[Vacation(travel_method='BOAT'), Vacation(travel_method='CAR')]

Set an ordering for this QuerySet.

  • ordering: The sort criteria. This should be a list of 2-tuples consisting of [(field_name, direction)], where “direction” can be one of ASCENDING or DESCENDING.

Specify a raw MongoDB projection to use in QuerySet results.

This method overrides any previous projections on this QuerySet, including those created with only() and exclude(). Unlike these methods, project allows projecting out the primary key. However, note that objects that do not have their primary key cannot be re-saved to the database.

  • projection: A MongoDB projection document.


>>> Vacation.objects.project({
...     'destination': 1,
...     'flights': {'$elemMatch': {'available': True}}}).first()
         flights=[{'available': True, 'from': 'SFO'}])

Filter using a raw MongoDB query.

  • raw_query: A raw MongoDB query.


>>> list(Vacation.objects.raw({"travel_method": "CAR"}))
[Vacation(destination='NAPA', travel_method='CAR'),
 Vacation(destination='GRAND CANYON', travel_method='CAR')]

The raw query that will be executed by this QuerySet.


Reverse the ordering for this QuerySet.

If order_by() has not been called, reverse() has no effect.

Allow this QuerySet to pre-fetch objects related to the Model.

  • fields: Names of related fields on this model that should be fetched.

Skip over the first number of objects in this QuerySet.

  • skip: The number of documents to skip.
update(update, **kwargs)[source]

Update the objects in this QuerySet and return the number updated.

  • update: The modifications to apply.
  • kwargs: (optional) keyword arguments to pass down to update_many().


Subscription.objects.raw({"year": 1995}).update(
    {"$set": {"expired": True}},

Return Python dict instances instead of Model instances.

Working with Files

Tools for working with GridFS.

class pymodm.files.FieldFile(instance, field, file_id)[source]

Type returned when accessing a FileField.

This type is just a thin wrapper around a File and can be treated as a file-like object in most places where a file is expected.


Close this file.


Delete this file.


The underlying File object.

This will open the file if necessary.


Open this file with the specified mode.

save(name, content)[source]

Save this file.

  • name: The name of the file.
  • content: The file’s contents. This can be a file-like object, string, or bytes.
class pymodm.files.File(file, name=None, metadata=None)[source]

Wrapper around a Python file.

This class may be assigned directly to a FileField.

You can use this class with Python’s builtin file implementation:

>>> my_file = File(open('some/path.txt'))
>>> my_object.filefield = my_file
>>> my_object.save()

Read the file and yield chunks of chunk_size bytes.

The default chunk size is the same as the default for GridFS.

This method is useful for streaming large files without loading the entire file into memory.


Close the this file.


Open this file or seek to the beginning if already open.

class pymodm.files.GridFSFile(file_id, gridfs_bucket, file=None)[source]

Representation of a file stored on GridFS.

Note that GridFS files are read-only. To change a file on GridFS, you can replace the file with a new version:

>>> my_object(upload=File(open('somefile.txt'))).save()
>>> my_object.upload.delete()  # Delete the old version.
>>> my_object.upload = File(open('new_version.txt'))
>>> my_object.save()  # Old file is replaced with the new one.

Delete this file from GridFS.


The underlying GridOut object.

This will open the file if necessary.

class pymodm.files.GridFSStorage(gridfs_bucket)[source]

Storage class that uses GridFS to store files.

This is the default Storage implementation for FileField.


Delete the file with the given file_id.


Returns True if the file with the given file_id exists.

open(file_id, mode='rb')[source]

Open a file.

  • file_id: The id of the file.
  • mode: The file mode. Defaults to rb. Not all Storage implementations may support different modes.

The GridFSFile with the given file_id.


Files from GridFS can only be opened in rb mode.

save(name, content, metadata=None)[source]

Save content in a file named name.

  • name: The name of the file.
  • content: A file-like object, string, or bytes.
  • metadata: Metadata dictionary to be saved with the file.

The id of the saved file.

class pymodm.files.ImageFieldFile(instance, field, file_id)[source]

Type returned when accessing a ImageField.

This type is very similar to FieldFile, except that it provides a few convenience properties for the underlying image.


The format of the image as a string.


The height of the image in pixels.


The underlying image.


The width of the image in pixels.

class pymodm.files.Storage[source]

Abstract class that defines the API for managing files.


Delete the file with the given file_id.


Returns True if the file with the given file_id exists.

open(file_id, mode='rb')[source]

Open a file.

  • file_id: The id of the file.
  • mode: The file mode. Defaults to rb. Not all Storage implementations may support different modes.

The FieldFile with the given file_id.

save(content, metadata=None)[source]

Save content in a file named name.

  • name: The name of the file.
  • content: A file-like object, string, or bytes.
  • metadata: Metadata dictionary to be saved with the file.

The id of the saved file.

Context Managers

class pymodm.context_managers.collection_options(model, codec_options=None, read_preference=None, write_concern=None, read_concern=None)[source]

Context manager that changes the collections options for a Model.


with collection_options(
    # Read objects off of a secondary.
class pymodm.context_managers.no_auto_dereference(model)[source]

Context manager that turns off automatic dereferencing.


>>> some_profile = UserProfile.objects.first()
>>> with no_auto_dereference(UserProfile):
...     some_profile.user
>>> some_profile.user
User(name='Sammy', points=123)
class pymodm.context_managers.switch_collection(model, collection_name)[source]

Context manager that changes the active collection for a Model.


with switch_collection(MyModel, "other_collection"):
  • model: A MongoModel class.
  • collection_name: The name of the new collection to use.
class pymodm.context_managers.switch_connection(model, connection_alias)[source]

Context manager that changes the active connection for a Model.


connect('mongodb://.../mainDatabase', alias='main-app')
connect('mongodb://.../backupDatabase', alias='backup')

# 'MyModel' normally writes to 'mainDatabase'. Let's change that.
with switch_connection(MyModel, 'backup'):
    # This goes to 'backupDatabase'.
  • model: A MongoModel class.
  • connection_alias: A connection alias that was set up earlier via a call to connect().


Tools and types for Exception handling.

exception pymodm.errors.ConfigurationError[source]

Raised when there is a configuration error.

exception pymodm.errors.ConnectionError[source]
exception pymodm.errors.DoesNotExist[source]
exception pymodm.errors.InvalidModel[source]

Raised if a Model definition is invalid.

exception pymodm.errors.ModelDoesNotExist[source]

Raised when a reference to a Model cannot be resolved.

exception pymodm.errors.MultipleObjectsReturned[source]
exception pymodm.errors.OperationError[source]

Raised when an operation cannot be performed.

exception pymodm.errors.ValidationError(message, **kwargs)[source]

Indicates an error while validating data.

A ValidationError may contain a single error, a list of errors, or even a dictionary mapping field names to errors. Any of these cases are acceptable to pass as a “message” to the constructor for ValidationError.