Source code for pymodm.base.fields

# Copyright 2016 MongoDB, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import bson

from pymodm import validators
from pymodm.common import (
    _import, get_document,
    validate_string_or_none, validate_boolean, validate_list_tuple_or_none,
from pymodm.compat import string_types
from pymodm.errors import ValidationError

[docs]class MongoBaseField(object): """Base class for all MongoDB Model Field types.""" # Creation counter used to keep track of field ordering within Models. __creation_counter = 0 empty_values = [[], (), {}, None, '', b'', set()] def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, primary_key=False, blank=False, required=False, default=None, choices=None, validators=None): """Create a new Field instance. :parameters: - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. - `primary_key`: If ``True``, this Field will be used for the ``_id`` field when stored in MongoDB. Note that the `mongo_name` of the primary key field cannot be changed from ``_id``. - `blank`: If ``True``, allow this field to have an empty value. - `required`: If ``True``, do not allow this field to be unspecified. - `default`: The default value to use for this field if no other value has been given. If ``default`` is callable, then the return value of ``default()`` will be used as the default value. - `choices`: A list of possible values for the field. This can be a flat list, or a list of 2-tuples consisting of an allowed field value and a human-readable version of that value. - `validators`: A list of callables used to validate this Field's value. """ self._verbose_name = validate_string_or_none( 'verbose_name', verbose_name) self.primary_key = validate_boolean('primary_key', primary_key) self.mongo_name = self._validate_mongo_name(mongo_name) self.blank = validate_boolean('blank', blank) self.required = validate_boolean('required', required) self.choices = validate_list_tuple_or_none('choices', choices) self.validators = validate_list_tuple_or_none( 'validators', validators or []) self.default = default # "attname" is the attribute name of this field on the Model. # We may be assigned a different name by the Model's metaclass later on. self.attname = self.mongo_name self.__counter = MongoBaseField.__creation_counter MongoBaseField.__creation_counter += 1 def _validate_mongo_name(self, mongo_name, attname=None): if not self.primary_key and mongo_name == '_id': field_msg = ' of field %s' % (attname,) if attname else '' raise ValueError( 'mongo_name%s is "_id", but primary_key is False.' % (field_msg,)) if self.primary_key: if mongo_name not in (None, '_id'): raise ValueError( 'The mongo_name of a primary key must be "_id".') return '_id' return validate_mongo_field_name_or_none('mongo_name', mongo_name) def __get__(self, inst, owner): MongoModelBase = _import('pymodm.base.models.MongoModelBase') if inst is not None and isinstance(inst, MongoModelBase): raw_value = inst._data.get(self.attname, self.get_default()) if self.is_blank(raw_value): return raw_value # Cache pythonized value. python_value = self.to_python(raw_value) self.__set__(inst, python_value) return python_value # Access from outside a Model instance. return self def __set__(self, inst, value): inst._data[self.attname] = value def __delete__(self, inst): inst._data.pop(self.attname, None) def get_default(self): return self.default() if callable(self.default) else self.default def is_blank(self, value): """Determine if the value is blank.""" return value in self.empty_values def is_undefined(self, inst): """Determine if a field is undefined (has not been given any value).""" return self.attname not in inst._data @property def verbose_name(self): return self._verbose_name or self.attname or self.mongo_name @verbose_name.setter def verbose_name(self, name): self._verbose_name = name def to_python(self, value): """Coerce the raw value for this field to an appropriate Python type. Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion when this field is accessed from a :class:`~pymodm.MongoModel` instance. """ return value def to_mongo(self, value): """Get the value of this field as it should be stored in MongoDB. Sub-classes should override this method to perform custom conversion before the value of this field is stored in MongoDB. """ return self.to_python(value) def _validate_choices(self, value): # Is self.choices a list of pairs? A flat list? if isinstance(self.choices[0], (list, tuple)): flat_choices = [pair[0] for pair in self.choices] if value not in flat_choices: raise ValidationError( '%r is not a choice. Choices are %r.' % (value, flat_choices)) elif value not in self.choices: raise ValidationError( '%r is not a choice. Choices are %r.' % (value, self.choices)) def validate(self, value): """Validate the value of this field.""" # If the field hasn't been set, then don't validate. if self.is_blank(value): if self.blank: # Allowed blank fields don't need further validation. return else: raise ValidationError('must not be blank (was: %r)' % value) value = self.to_python(value) if self.choices: self._validate_choices(value) # Run all validators on the given value. error_list = [] for v in self.validators: try: v(value) except Exception as e: error_list.append(e) if error_list: raise ValidationError(error_list) @property def creation_order(self): """Get the creation order of this Field.""" return self.__counter def value_from_object(self, instance): """Get the value of this field from the given Model instance.""" return getattr(instance, self.attname) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, MongoBaseField): return self.creation_order == other.creation_order return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __lt__(self, other): # This is needed because bisect does not take a comparison function. if isinstance(other, MongoBaseField): return self.creation_order < other.creation_order return NotImplemented def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name): """Callback executed when adding this Field to a Model.""" self.attname = name # The empty string is a valid MongoDB field name. if self.mongo_name is None: self.mongo_name = self._validate_mongo_name(name, attname=name) self.model = cls if self.primary_key and not cls._mongometa.implicit_id: self.required = True cls._mongometa.add_field(self) setattr(cls, name, self)
class RelatedModelFieldsBase(MongoBaseField): """Base class for Field types that reference another Model type.""" def __init__(self, model, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs): super(RelatedModelFieldsBase, self).__init__(verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, **kwargs) self.__model = model self.__related_model = None MongoModelBase = _import('pymodm.base.models.MongoModelBase') if not (isinstance(model, string_types) or (isinstance(model, type) and issubclass(model, MongoModelBase))): raise ValueError('model must be a Model class or a string, not %s' % model.__class__.__name__) @property def related_model(self): if not self.__related_model: MongoModelBase = _import('pymodm.base.models.MongoModelBase') if isinstance(self.__model, string_types): self.__related_model = get_document(self.__model) # 'issubclass' complains if first argument is not a class. elif (isinstance(self.__model, type) and issubclass(self.__model, MongoModelBase)): self.__related_model = self.__model return self.__related_model def _model_to_document(self, value): if isinstance(value, bson.SON): # value has been already converted return value if isinstance(value, self.related_model): return value.to_son() if isinstance(value, dict): # if value is a dict convert in to model # so we can properly generate SON return self.related_model.from_document(value).to_son() # we could not convert value to SON raise ValidationError( '%s is not a valid %s' % (value, self.related_model.__name__)) class GeoJSONField(MongoBaseField): """Base class for GeoJSON fields.""" def __init__(self, verbose_name=None, mongo_name=None, **kwargs): """ :parameters: - `verbose_name`: A human-readable name for the Field. - `mongo_name`: The name of this field when stored in MongoDB. .. seealso:: constructor for :class:`~pymodm.base.fields.MongoBaseField` """ super(GeoJSONField, self).__init__(verbose_name=verbose_name, mongo_name=mongo_name, **kwargs) self.validators.append(self.validate_geojson) @classmethod def validate_geojson(cls, value): validators.validator_for_type(dict)(value) validators.validator_for_geojson_type( cls._geojson_name)(value) coordinates = value.get('coordinates') validators.validator_for_type( (list, tuple), 'Coordinates')(coordinates) cls.validate_coordinates(coordinates) def to_python(self, value): if isinstance(value, list): return {'type': self._geojson_name, 'coordinates': value} return value